Category Safety

Tis the Season… To Be Merry, Not Reckless.

In all the joys of the season, we’re quick to forget how dangerous it can be! There are a lot of hazards during the holiday season. From candles on the menorah or the tree to old strands of lights, decorations…

Some Deep Fried Thanksgiving Turkey Tips

We’ve all seen many sitcoms that show the exploding, deep friend turkey. We’ve all laughed- a lot- at the videos. We all know it’s extremely dangerous. According to the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), nearly 4,300 fires occur on Thanksgiving causing…

A Few Halloween Risk Management Tips

  Below is a list of some Halloween risk management precautions you can take this year: When it appears that you have killed the monster, NEVER check to see if it’s really dead. It isn’t.   If you find that your…

Auto Accidents Dos & Don’ts

auto insurance in Flemington NJ | Cedar Risk

It’s time to brush up on what you should do in the event you’re involved in an auto accident.   Preparedness starts before you leave the driveway: Put a disposable camera and pen and paper in your glove box. Car…

A Winning Game Plan for Tailgating Season

Tailgating. It’s almost a sport within a sport. I’ve heard rumor that for some teams, fans never actually go into the stadiums; they watch the game from the TVs set up in the parking lots at their tailgates. For the…

Important Hurricane Season Information

hurricane season

It’s the time of the year when the tropics start getting busy! And not just because of vacationers taking advantage of the beauty of the island breezes. Hurricane season is in full swing. And now that we’re over halfway through…

Cyber Threats & Mobile Devices


For many people smartphones and tablets have become an essential part of our working and personal lives.  Thanks to innovative companies like Apple, Android and Samsung (to name a few – I know there are many more out there!) we can listen to music,…